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Watchdog Milwaukee ? AirTran Deal Not Bad for Milwaukee

Midwest gives a lot to Dems as well, particularly Skornica who for some reason Jim has an ax to grind. In fact Airtran is more Republican than Midwest. 2. It is perfectly legitimate to want to shift the airport to an airport authority. You can legitimately argue against it as well, .... Drop the politics and think what is best for the customers who fly a lot out of Milwaukee ? and I'm not talking about the family who takes 1 vacation a year and saves $20 per ticket. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Watchdog Milwaukee ? AirTran Deal Not Bad for Milwaukee

Midwest gives a lot to Dems as well, particularly Skornica who for some reason Jim has an ax to grind. In fact Airtran is more Republican than Midwest. 2. It is perfectly legitimate to want to shift the airport to an airport authority. You can legitimately argue against it as well, .... Drop the politics and think what is best for the customers who fly a lot out of Milwaukee ? and I'm not talking about the family who takes 1 vacation a year and saves $20 per ticket. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Watchdog Milwaukee ? AirTran Deal Not Bad for Milwaukee

Midwest gives a lot to Dems as well, particularly Skornica who for some reason Jim has an ax to grind. In fact Airtran is more Republican than Midwest. 2. It is perfectly legitimate to want to shift the airport to an airport authority. You can legitimately argue against it as well, .... Drop the politics and think what is best for the customers who fly a lot out of Milwaukee ? and I'm not talking about the family who takes 1 vacation a year and saves $20 per ticket. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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